A signature line is similar to any signature placeholder we see in a printed document. This options helps the user to put a place holder for a signature, suggested signer, his title and email address. The idea to use this is for considering the document as 'reviewed' and 'approved'. Once the signature is done the document turns into a non editable document.
How to add a Signature Line in MS Excel?
For this, user has to go to the Insert ribbon of MS Excel. There you find a tool called 'Text'. This has an option called 'Add a Signature Line'. Upon clicking this option, a 'Signature Setup' dialog box pops out. In this user has to enter suggested signer, his title and email address. You can also enter a comments for the proposed signer as shown below.After completing the entries when you click ok you will find a signature line embedded in your Excel spreadsheet. You can move, cut and paste it anywhere in your document as per your need.
If you double click the signature line you will be prompted with a dialog box of 'Sign'. There you will have an option of selecting the signature image which will get embedded in your document. This will also show the signing date and other details of the signing authority. Once done your document is signed and become non editable for others unless anyone forcefully removes the signature and does some changes. Make sure you review the document before signing it...otherwise the onus of any mistake in the document content will be on you :-)
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Samrat Biswas, Six Sigma (Green Belt), MOS Excel Expert 2013, ITIL 2011 Foundation
Advanced MS Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, One Note, Outlook), and MS Visio
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